life reserve at the Blambangan Peninsula is also known as “Alas
Purwo”. Alas means forest or jungle and purwo is the beginning
of everything. The width of Alas Purwo is 42 hectares square which
is completed by many kind of wild animals, especially the species
of banteng (Bos javanicus), deer, pics, andpeacocks. There are many
caves in the forest which are blanketed by many kinds of plantations.
visitors can meet many Javanese Bull here, especially in the dry
season where many bulls are wandering outside the park to get into
water sources. Some other endangered animals are also pretected
here, they are: Cuon alpinus, Muntiacus muntjak, Cervus timorensis,
Presbytis cristata, Pavo muticus, Gallus sp., Olive ridely turtle,
Dermochelys coriacea, Eretmochelys imbricata and Chelonia mydas.
its fauna, Alas Purwo also protectect some endangered flora, such
as; Terminalia catappa, Calophyllum inophyllum, Sterculia foetida,
Baringtonia asiatica and Manikara kauki.
see much detail about Alas Purwo collections? Like to have adventurous
And Then Alas Purwo National Park is a representative ecosystem types lowland rain forest in Java.
Distinctive and endemic plants in the Park are kecik sapodilla (Manilkara kauki) and bamboo manggong (Gigantochloa manggong). Other plants are ketapan (Terminalia cattapa), nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum), bulging (Sterculia foetida), keben (Barringtonia asiatica), and 13 species of bamboo.
Alas Purwo National Park is the habitat of some wildlife such as ebony leaf monkey (Trachypithecus auratus auratus), banteng (Bos javanicus javanicus), ajag (Cuon alpinus javanicus), peacock (Pavo muticus), jungle fowl (Gallus gallus), deer (Cervus timorensis russa), leopard (Panthera pardus melas), and cats (Prionailurus javanensis bengalensis). Endangered and protected animals such as olive ridley turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea), leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) and green turtle (Chelonia mydas) is usually often landed on the South coast of the national park in January s / d September.

In the period from October to December in Segoro Puppies can be seen about 16 species of migratory birds of Australia including the holy cekakak (Halcyon chloris / Todirhampus sanctus), bee-eater bird sea (Merops philippinus), beach Sandpipers (Actitis hypoleucos), and Sandpipers bush (Tringa glareola).
Plengkung located in the southern part Alas Purwo National Park has been recognized by the world-class surfers as G-Land. G-land designations can be interpreted, because the location of the water surfing in the Gulf Grajagan that resembles the letter G. Or Plengkung layout was not much of a stretch of tropical rain forest always looks green (green-land). Plengkung including four locations in the world for surfing and can be aligned with the location of surfing in Hawaii, Australia, and South Africa.
Scour the white sand beaches of Trianggulasi to Plengkung will find the sand shot. Sand is colored yellow, round-shaped and about 2.5 mm in diameter.
Children langurs (Trachypithecus auratus)
Communities around national parks laden thick with color and culture "Blambangan". They strongly believe that the National Park Alas Purwo the last stops of people who shy away from the invasion of Majapahit kingdom of Mataram, and believes that in the forest park is still stored Keris Pusaka Sumelang Gandring.
Therefore, it is not surprising that a lot of people who do semedhi and held a religious ceremony in Goa and Goa Padepokan Palace. In the vicinity of the national park entrance (Rowobendo) there is a historical relic "Great Temple" which became a Hindu ceremony that Pagerwesi. The ceremony is held each period of 210 days.
This national park has a variety of objects and natural attractions and cultural tourism (sea, sand, sun, forest, wild animal, sport and culture) that is located not so far from each other.
Some locations / attractions to be visited:
Sadengan. Located 12 km (30 minutes) from the entrance Pasaranyar, a prairie grazing animals such as bison, deer, elk, deer, wild boar and birds.

Distinctive and endemic plants in the Park are kecik sapodilla (Manilkara kauki) and bamboo manggong (Gigantochloa manggong). Other plants are ketapan (Terminalia cattapa), nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum), bulging (Sterculia foetida), keben (Barringtonia asiatica), and 13 species of bamboo.
Alas Purwo National Park is the habitat of some wildlife such as ebony leaf monkey (Trachypithecus auratus auratus), banteng (Bos javanicus javanicus), ajag (Cuon alpinus javanicus), peacock (Pavo muticus), jungle fowl (Gallus gallus), deer (Cervus timorensis russa), leopard (Panthera pardus melas), and cats (Prionailurus javanensis bengalensis). Endangered and protected animals such as olive ridley turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea), leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) and green turtle (Chelonia mydas) is usually often landed on the South coast of the national park in January s / d September.

In the period from October to December in Segoro Puppies can be seen about 16 species of migratory birds of Australia including the holy cekakak (Halcyon chloris / Todirhampus sanctus), bee-eater bird sea (Merops philippinus), beach Sandpipers (Actitis hypoleucos), and Sandpipers bush (Tringa glareola).
Plengkung located in the southern part Alas Purwo National Park has been recognized by the world-class surfers as G-Land. G-land designations can be interpreted, because the location of the water surfing in the Gulf Grajagan that resembles the letter G. Or Plengkung layout was not much of a stretch of tropical rain forest always looks green (green-land). Plengkung including four locations in the world for surfing and can be aligned with the location of surfing in Hawaii, Australia, and South Africa.
Scour the white sand beaches of Trianggulasi to Plengkung will find the sand shot. Sand is colored yellow, round-shaped and about 2.5 mm in diameter.
Children langurs (Trachypithecus auratus)
Communities around national parks laden thick with color and culture "Blambangan". They strongly believe that the National Park Alas Purwo the last stops of people who shy away from the invasion of Majapahit kingdom of Mataram, and believes that in the forest park is still stored Keris Pusaka Sumelang Gandring.
Therefore, it is not surprising that a lot of people who do semedhi and held a religious ceremony in Goa and Goa Padepokan Palace. In the vicinity of the national park entrance (Rowobendo) there is a historical relic "Great Temple" which became a Hindu ceremony that Pagerwesi. The ceremony is held each period of 210 days.
This national park has a variety of objects and natural attractions and cultural tourism (sea, sand, sun, forest, wild animal, sport and culture) that is located not so far from each other.
Some locations / attractions to be visited:
Sadengan. Located 12 km (30 minutes) from the entrance Pasaranyar, a prairie grazing animals such as bison, deer, elk, deer, wild boar and birds.
. Located 13 km from the entrance Pasaranyar white sand beach with beach forest formations for marine tourism activities and camping.
Ngagelan beach. Located 7 km from Trianggulasi to see several species of turtles landed to lay their eggs on the beach and turtle breeding activity.
Plengkung. Looking at the world level professional surfers who are conducting search tourist attractions and forests.
Bedul Segoro Children. Boating, swimming, water skiing on the lake and the observation of migratory birds from Australia.
Goa. There are 40 pieces where it can be referred to as natural and artificial caves such as Goa Japan to see the relics of two 6-meter long cannon, Palace Goa, Goa Padepokan and other caves for cultural tours and cave tours.How to reach:
Banyuwangi-Pasaranyar 65 km, and 12 km Pasaranyar-Triangulation using the car. Triangulation-Plengkung, scour beaches along the 10 km. Other locations like Lake Segara Anak, Sadengan, Rowobendo can be reached on foot from Trianggulasi.
banteng (Bos sondaicus)
Ngagelan beach. Located 7 km from Trianggulasi to see several species of turtles landed to lay their eggs on the beach and turtle breeding activity.
Plengkung. Looking at the world level professional surfers who are conducting search tourist attractions and forests.
Bedul Segoro Children. Boating, swimming, water skiing on the lake and the observation of migratory birds from Australia.
Goa. There are 40 pieces where it can be referred to as natural and artificial caves such as Goa Japan to see the relics of two 6-meter long cannon, Palace Goa, Goa Padepokan and other caves for cultural tours and cave tours.How to reach:
Banyuwangi-Pasaranyar 65 km, and 12 km Pasaranyar-Triangulation using the car. Triangulation-Plengkung, scour beaches along the 10 km. Other locations like Lake Segara Anak, Sadengan, Rowobendo can be reached on foot from Trianggulasi.
banteng (Bos sondaicus)