The word of Damarwulan comes from the name of a character in this performance. The dramatic group is comprised of 40 - 50 persons and is divided into 4 groups. The Damarwulan Traditional Performance is similiar with Janger from Bali. The only difference is in the language used in the dialogue. In the Janger Bali uses Balinese language, while Damarwulan Traditional Performance uses Javanese. The story of Damarwulan tells about the era of Majapahit and Blambangan, which is well known in Banyuwangi. The dialogue is in song. The story-telling is done by a narrator who is called “dalang”. The “dalang” descrbies every scene before the event occurs. The stage performance usually starts at 09 PM and finishes at 04 AM.

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Damarwulan Traditional Art
The word of Damarwulan comes from the name of a character in this performance. The dramatic group is comprised of 40 - 50 persons and is divided into 4 groups. The Damarwulan Traditional Performance is similiar with Janger from Bali. The only difference is in the language used in the dialogue. In the Janger Bali uses Balinese language, while Damarwulan Traditional Performance uses Javanese. The story of Damarwulan tells about the era of Majapahit and Blambangan, which is well known in Banyuwangi. The dialogue is in song. The story-telling is done by a narrator who is called “dalang”. The “dalang” descrbies every scene before the event occurs. The stage performance usually starts at 09 PM and finishes at 04 AM.