This tourist attraction is located in the administrative area of the District Kalipuro Banyuwangi district, it lies in the path crossings connecting Banyuwangi and Situbondo make these places very easily accessible both from the direction of the direction Situbondo and Banyuwangi city. From the direction of the town of Banyuwangi to these attractions can be reached with a distance of 14 kilometers to the north. Or approximately less than 5 kilometers from the port of Ketapang. On a day off watu lunkhead always crowded with visitors. Because of its location being on the edge of the road axis Banyuwangi - Situbondo, watu lunkhead commonly used as a resting place for a while after a long journey.
In addition to enjoying the beautiful panorama of the sea, visitors can also climb the hill that is located just opposite the road, on the hill has supplied tracks to be skipped by visitors. Arriving at the top of the hill, visitors can see a panorama of Bali strait broader and beautiful.