The word mocoan comes from the Javanese word that means “to read”. The connotation of the word pacul is “mocking. There are 7 to 8 players in one group in this Mocoan Pacul Goang Performance. Kendang, violin, gong and kluncing are the main musical instruments. The players read and sing using a version of the songs of mocopat like kasmaran, arum-arum, derma, pangkur, sinom etc. using the Blambangan style. The readings are taken from the lontar of Yusuf. The Paculan or mocking activity is usually funny. The paculan uses aphorism, pantun (a kind of poetry) or a joke. To start the paculan, the spectators usually say, “Paculan wis” (let’s paculan) in order that the players begin mocking one other. The Mocoan Pacul Goang traditional Performance is also called Aljin art, because the art was lead by a man named Aljin.
And also Tradition and culture in banyuwangi buanyak once so that people may not be able to memorize it. well here is no tradition of art that is Mocoan Lare Banyuwangi Oseng,, What does it mean mocoan itself well ..... would I describe in detail.
MOCOAN means to read, the read is similar ejection from ancestors previous book, the book can also be spelled Yusuf for the event or entertainment that they show a success from start to finish ..
yaaa this art show jokes and satire, meaningful, philosophical way of socializing banyuwangi everyday community life in general .
This art has a unity of its many if used only in the village his name Bades Goang hoe. but now there is some unity mocoan Sugah is in banyuwangi ...
even so mocoan origin Bades village Rogojampi tetp exis cultural entertainment world dibanyuwangi
There is also the art displayed there mocoan CLARE Oseng garuda bird dance that symbolizes that stir lare ta, at, obey and apply the rules of Pancasila
The second dance is a dance and lion dance hungry .. why is that the perpetrators of the art care and perhatin with existing forest conditions on the ground were nearly depleted Indonesia used as industrial and illegal logging is rampant sa, at this so satwa2 who live in the forest becomes less and less in number ..

yaaa this art show jokes and satire, meaningful, philosophical way of socializing banyuwangi everyday community life in general .
This art has a unity of its many if used only in the village his name Bades Goang hoe. but now there is some unity mocoan Sugah is in banyuwangi ...
even so mocoan origin Bades village Rogojampi tetp exis cultural entertainment world dibanyuwangi
There is also the art displayed there mocoan CLARE Oseng garuda bird dance that symbolizes that stir lare ta, at, obey and apply the rules of Pancasila
The second dance is a dance and lion dance hungry .. why is that the perpetrators of the art care and perhatin with existing forest conditions on the ground were nearly depleted Indonesia used as industrial and illegal logging is rampant sa, at this so satwa2 who live in the forest becomes less and less in number ..