The visitors are guided by experienced rangers guide to see turtles landing to the beach and lay their eggs on the beach sand. Female turtles usually lay eggs until hundreds were laid in the sand on the beach. Female turtles usually start landing on the beach at 07.30 the night and returned to the sea at night 12.00 hari.Bulan November hungga March is turtle nesting season. The road to Sukamade very challenging to be explored. Along the way to visit this place, visitors can stop at the beach Rajegwesi. Do not also miss the Green Bay, green bay with beautiful cliffs around. Cruise in the early morning to see the animals grazing on pasture is also impressive. These places are still natural places that you must know in the eastern end of the island of Java.
Sukamade Beach is one of the attractions that are in the zone of intensive utilization TNMB potential for ecotourism activities. Attractions that can be done is to observe nesting turtles, the release of hatchlings, bird watching, camping, observation rafflesia, and canoeing.
Sukamade a habitat where turtles lay their eggs. In these places, tourists can witness firsthand the activities of turtle rose to the beach, or just laying Memeti. In this place there is also a semi-natural hatchery to incubate turtle eggs that had been collected by officers. Travelers can actively participate in turtle conservation efforts by following the release of hatchlings into the sea activity after incubated on semi-natural hatching.
Facilities available at this location include: Pondok Wisata, Camping Ground is equipped with a hall for meeting rooms, shelters, street tourist trail, information center, labs and cottage work.

Other attractions in Coastal mangrove forests Sukamade is located in the east estuary Sukamade. The river can be worn canoeing in the afternoon while performing Bird (Bird Waching)-like Roko Roko, albatross, Dara Sea and many more birds that can be observed, this is usually done while waiting for Sunset.

To get there, you can use public or private vehicles. but keep in mind that the hilly terrain are required to adjust the type of your vehicle. From the city headed to town Banyuwangi Pesanggaran (60 miles) and then proceed to Sarongan (20 km) by public transport or truck. Sarongan-Rajegwesi-Sukomade (17 km). Available Cottage and Camping Ground to stay for tourists.